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EUPeace Common Course Catalogue for Teacher Education: Academic Year 2024 - 2025

General Introduction

One of EUPeace’s most important projects is to transform teacher training curricula to shape society by harnessing the underestimated impact potential for future teachers. Our aim is to enable prospective teachers to recognise and reflect on limits of inclusion in their classrooms, to create a more inclusive environment, and to facilitate international exchanges during their studies. By embedding conflict awareness, prevention, and mediation in our curricula, EUPeace will have a powerful impact and promote pedagogical innovation through the teachers we train, influencing primary and secondary school students throughout Europe.

The EUPeace Common Course Catalogue for Teacher Education is one important building block towards this goal. First courses have been offered during the first semester of the 2024-2025 academic year and now, for the second semester of this academic year, the course catalogue has been expanded to include even more courses pertinent to teacher education and with particular emphasis on topics which foreground inclusion as well as competences needed for the peaceful and just resolution of conflicts.

The courses listed below are aimed at teacher training students (pre-service), school teachers (in-service) and academic educators and even more general university staff members and can be studied, online or in person and in a variety of EUPeace languages.

Below you will find an overview of the various lecture periods and the registration timeframes as well as a complete list of all course offered during the second semester of the 2024-2025 academic year, sorted by university. 

Each course entry contains the course title and a few essential information, while the course title acts as a link to a more comprehensive course information sheet.

Furthermore, each university’s section is headed by some information about how to register for the courses offered at that institution.

Course Offers

Course Catalogue Documentation

Please note: Here you can find the published version of the EUPeace Common Course Catalogue for Teacher Education in its first iteration, dating back to July 2024. This documentation contains information about the course distribution and topics covered within this course catalogue. Since July of 2024 more courses have been added to the course catalogue, expanding the course offers for the second semester of the academic year 2024-2025. This documentation is therefore outdated but can still provide valuable insights into the rationale and make-up of this first edition of the course catalogue.

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