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EUPeace Fund – Third Call for Proposals: “Curriculum Development”

Together, as members of EUPeace, we are pleased to announce the launch of the third EUPeace Fund Call, with a special emphasis on Curriculum Development. Our goal is to support and significantly contribute to the establishment of an enduring academic and administrative community within EUPeace. With this third funding round, we aim to attract projects that catalyse the transformation of curricula across the alliance and foster collaboration and innovation among researchers, educators, students, and administrators in all academic disciplines.

The 3rd EUPeace Fund Call at a Glance

Deadline: 31 October 2024 (23:59 CET)

Project Content: clear reference to EUPeace curricular development, especially if the proposed projects will capitalise on synergies with the activities of Work

Package “Transforming Curricula” and/or the respective Flagship Actions “European Track” or “European Degrees”.

Project Start: projects can start on the day of receipt of the official funding notification

Project Duration: max. 1 full academic year

Eligibility: collaborative proposals by staff of at least three consortium members

General information and support: info[at]

Application Procedure

Complete proposals must be submitted electronically to: eupeace[at] and eupeace.wp2[at] by 31 October 2024 (23:59 CET).

Proposals consist of the following documents: 

1) Application form 

2) Financial form in .xlsx format

3) Short CVs of the main project personnel, illustrating project relevant expertise (collected in one .pdf file)


All employees of EUPeace member universities are eligible to apply. At least three universities jointly apply with a collaborative proposal. An involvement of students and EUPeace associated partners is possible and can be combined with funding from Erasmus+ mobility grants.      

Partner Search

Project coordinators can write to info[at] and eupeace[at] with their proposed idea and the request for partner matching. The EUPeace team will assist applicants with establishing relevant contacts at member universities to establish a project partnership. Please keep in mind that this should be one of the first steps of your project proposal.

Project Design and Evaluation Criteria

Applications should illustrate a clear reference to EUPeace curricular development, activities should capitalise on synergies with the activities of Work Package “Transforming Curricula” and/or the respective Flagship Actions “European Track” or “European Degrees”.

 Preference will be given to applications that generate added value for future collaboration of the participating member universities. 80% of available Call funds are reserved for this purpose. 20% of available funds within this Call can be awarded to innovative (“high-risk”) proposals that do not fall within the described scope. 

Evaluation Process

Complete proposals will be prepared for evaluation by the Steering Committee. Proposals will be evaluated based on quality and innovation potential of the project ideas, e.g. their potential to create flexible teaching and learning experiences, promote inclusivity, digitalisation, ideas shaping future Europe and contribute to the advancement of global engagement, peace, and justice in the wider sense. Based on merit and subject to the availability of funds, the Governing Board will decide on the projects to be supported. All applicants will be notified about the result after the decision of the Governing Board. 


The project team submits one joint proposal (project description). Budget is applied for separated by institution. Each institution receives its individual budget, reserved for the purpose described within the application, and each institution funds its own project participants during the project duration. Local regulations and restrictions apply. Please consult your home institution regarding specifications and options for participation. Travel Cost Calculation: Calculation of travel expenses must be based on the EUPeace Distance Bands. The settlement must then be carried out based on the actual travel costs expended.

Maximum amount per application per institution:

UMR:  5.000€
JLU:    5.000€
UNILIM: 5.000€
UNICAL: 2.000€
COMILLAS: 2.000€
UWB: 5.000€
SUM: 1.000€
CU: 2.000€
UNSA: 2.500€

Project Duration

Selected projects may start from the date of receipt of the official granting letter. Projects may be executed over a period of a maximum of one academic year. All applications must indicate the project duration with envisioned start and end date. 

Feedback and Re-applications

If your project does not receive funding in this Call, it can be revised and resubmitted in the next Call, if the topic falls within the explicit scope of the Call. 


Within two weeks of the funding notification, each project coordinator is required to provide a project outline for publication on the EUPeace website to info[at]


An activity as well as a financial report are to be submitted within six months of the completion of the project. Report forms are provided to project coordinators.


21/09/2024 – Opening of the Call for Proposals
14/10 – 25/10/2024 – Offer of Individual Online Information Sessions by Study Field (to be coordinated via info[at]
21/10/2024 (10am CEST) – General Online Information Session – Presentation can be found here
31/10/2024 (23:59 CET) – Proposal Deadline
11/2024 – 12/2024 – Review Phase by Steering Committee/Education Board
12/2024 – Governing Board selection of proposals
01/2025 – 04/2026 – Implementation of selected projects/project phase

The EUPeace Fund offers a bottom-up approach to generate participation of our communities. The third Call for Proposals particularly encourages projects that align with the EUPeace aim to offer courses within the European Track and to jointly evolve towards an EUPeace Curriculum that will lead to the offer of European Degrees. In line with these goals, EUPeace Fund applications should demonstrate explicit synergies with the activities performed within the EUPeace Work Package “Transforming Curricula”

The Call encourages all fields, explicitly including STEM, to contribute to the implementation of the EUPeace vision and mission in the curricular development of EUPeace members. The EUPeace Alliance is not limited to topics of peace, justice, and inclusive societies, but surpasses these to be understood more holistically. It encompasses theoretical and practical knowledge of all respective topics and (future) skills needed to allow change agents for Europe to thrive – ultimately contributing to ensuring a peaceful, just, and inclusive European reality.  

The EUPeace Work Package “Transforming Curricula” is geared towards the transformation of curricula across the alliance and implements two of the five EUPeace Flagship Actions: 

1. With the “European Track”, students of all alliance partners are offered modules, learning formats and curricular components created within the framework of EUPeace. EUPeace content will be broadly integrated into all curricula through the European Track.

2. By advancing European joint degrees with strongly integrated curricula across institutions, EUPeace will create a specific profile of EUPeace students, alumni and alumnae, who will become the next generation of change agents for Europe. 

Next to these Flagship Actions, the Work Package “Transforming Curricula” includes the establishment of a “Teaching Staff Academy” to foster innovative pedagogies and to function as the EUPeace platform for the objective of curricula transformation. It includes a yearly interdisciplinary conference for knowledge and experience sharing, as well as the set-up of the Virtual European Exchange Programme (VEEP), which serves as a starting point to connect students and staff. To facilitate an easy overview and to serve as a kick-off for further development of (joint) courses, an online repository is to be established that flags all joint teaching units and activities across the Alliance.

The third Call for EUPeace Fund projects encourages applications that generate synergies and an added value to the work performed within “Transforming Curricula”, especially in areas or in ways not covered within the primary focus of the Work Package. To ensure the curricular representation of all academic fields represented within the EUPeace Alliance, the STEM subjects in particular are invited to submit applications.

Thematic Focus of the Call
Against this background, 80% of available funds within this EUPeace Fund Call will be reserved for proposals that pay in on creating and offering flexible teaching and learning experiences, supporting and advancing the aforementioned described efforts in EUPeace curricular development. The EUPeace Governing Board reserves the right to utilise 20% of available funds towards supporting innovative high-risk projects that underline the overall EUPeace vision without a direct or explicit connection to curriculum development. 

Cooperation Partners

Funded by