Call for Papers for the International Conference DEIB+ in Education to Transform Society
Diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) are key pillars in formal and informal education. However, although educational institutions around the globe aim to ensure future citizens equitable opportunities to live in a more resilient, openminded, inclusive, and democratic world, those same institutions are too often inequitable and selective, which has direct repercussions for their ability to transform society. There is a need for research on the valorization of all facets of diversity within education, and for critical questioning of the (re)production of educational and social inequalities in different political, historical, and socioeconomic contexts. A broader approach to diversity challenges intercultural education and requires an intersectional approach to heterogeneity and the acknowledgement of newly emerging issues and needs (+) in education and society. The conference thus aims to foster international debate on DEIB+, critically questioning Global South-Global North, Eastern and Western ideologies, and invites educational researchers to propose and discuss related theoretical, methodological, and empirical work.