10.07.2024 EUPeace at the 11th International Staff Training Week at University of Sarajevo

On the second day of the Staff Training Week (STW), the University of Sarajevo conducted a session focused on the European Inter-University Alliance EUPeace. This session, presented by Vice-Rector for International Relations, Prof. Ph.D. Enita Nakaš, was instrumental in elucidating the objectives and initiatives of the EUPeace Alliance.

Participants of the Staff Training Week of University of Sarajevo

The International Relations Office of the University of Sarajevo organized the 11th International Training Week from 1 to 5 July 2024, hosting 43 participants from 24 higher education institutions in 14 European countries (Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, France, Italy, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Hungary, Germany, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, and Turkey).

On the second day of the Staff Training Week (STW), the University of Sarajevo conducted a session focused on the European Inter-University Alliance EUPeace. This session, presented by Vice-Rector for International Relations, Prof. Ph.D. Enita Nakaš, was instrumental in elucidating the objectives and initiatives of the EUPeace Alliance, highlighting its significance in fostering international cooperation and enhancing the quality of higher education across Europe. These alliances are a cornerstone of the European Union's efforts to improve higher education quality and facilitate international partnerships.

Prof. Nakaš detailed how the EUPeace Alliance focuses on creating strong partnership ties between universities. She highlighted that these alliances are not merely symbolic but are designed to foster substantial collaboration in developing educational programs, research, and innovation. Furthermore, Prof. Nakaš emphasized that the EUPeace Alliance is dedicated to nurturing a peaceful, just, and inclusive European society. This focus on peace and inclusivity is reflected in the alliance's initiatives to increase the effects of internationalization. By working together, universities can contribute to developing a culture of dialogue and understanding, promoting peace at various levels of society. By continuing to participate in and promote the EUPeace Alliance, the University of Sarajevo is well-positioned to play a significant role in shaping the future of higher education in Europe. The focus on peace, inclusivity, and international cooperation aligns with the university's mission and paves the way for future successes in these critical areas.

Representatives from three EUPeace universities - Phillips University in Marburg (Germany, also the coordinator), University of West Bohemia (Czech Republic), and University of Limoges (France) - attended the session. This provided an excellent opportunity to exchange information about past work and upcoming events.


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