04.10.2024 EUPeace Calls for a Clear and Bold Investment Pathway

The core mission of universities connects education, research, and societal engagement. Universities play a critical role in shaping the next generation of citizens, driving cutting-edge research, and fortifying resilient societies. They actively engage in lifelong learning, collaborate with industry, and impact every corner of society. They are partners in regional development, they are champions of democracy, they are creators of prosperity, they are drivers of innovation. 

In this context, University Alliances hold unparalleled potential to transform education, research, and societal engagement across Europe and beyond. Alliances like EUPeace are more than the sum of their parts. Alliances are catalysts for growth, offering powerful multiplier effects, robust institutional support, and pioneering opportunities. By harnessing the combined strengths of individual universities, alliances transcend the capabilities of any single institution, achieving far greater impact as a unified force – in all sectors. 

Enrico Letta’s report “Much more than a Market” rightly emphasises that Alliances “will be central for realising th[e] ambition” of supporting learning without borders as part of a European ‘fifth freedom’ of research, innovation and education[1]. 

Mario Draghi underscores in his report “The future of European competitiveness” that “leveraging the European University Alliances” through innovative schemes of the European Research Council can promote excellence and research[2]. 

Ursula von der Leyen stresses in her “Political Guidelines for the Next European Commission 2024−2029” that “strengthening our University Alliances” is needed for “attracting new talents and retaining the best and brightest minds here in Europe”[3].

Only through collaboration can we achieve the political goals of today and overcome the challenges of tomorrow. Together, we can realise the ambition for Europe to be at the top of world science, innovation, and research.

University Alliances are not just important for Europe – they are essential for society as a whole.

University Alliances have the power to reshape the future.

They deserve sustainable, unwavering support.

We therefore urge local, national, and European policy-makers to create enabling conditions for University Alliances through administrative, political, and financial support. Simply put, we call for a clear and bold pathway to invest in our collective future.

[1] https://www.consilium.europa.eu/media/ny3j24sm/much-more-than-a-market-report-by-enrico-letta.pdf 
[2] https://commission.europa.eu/topics/strengthening-european-competitiveness/eu-competitiveness-looking-ahead_en 
[3] https://commission.europa.eu/document/download/e6cd4328-673c-4e7a-8683-f63ffb2cf648_en?filename=Political%20Guidelines%202024-2029_EN.pdf 


This statement was endorsed by the Governing Board of EUPeace on 27 September 2024.

Download this statement in English here


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