20.03.2025 Internationalisation of Teacher Education: Building synergies at UMR and JLU

Jacob Lund via AdobeStock

The internationalisation of teacher education is not only a Flagship Action of EUPeace, but also a strategic task Marburg University (UMR) and Justus Liebig University Giessen (JLU) have been tackling for a number of years in the framework of several projects. 

The year 2025 constitutes a landmark year in the systematic development of synergies between EUPeace WP3 and UMR’s Lehramt.International project LiMa as well as JLU’s Lehramt.International project IMPACCT. Lehramt.International, a programme launched by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in 2019, provides German higher education institutions with funds from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) to prepare student teachers for teaching in diverse settings through mobility and the fostering of key competencies like intercultural competence. The next funding phase running from 2025-2029 has a significant overlap with the first EUPeace funding period until October 2027. 

UMR’s project LiMa 2.0 (Lehramt international in Marburg – international teacher education in Marburg) aims to consolidate and expand the university’s international cooperation network in the field of teacher education. Since 2021, the project has focused on the subjects Biology, Geography, as well as on the obligatory pedagogical part of the study program and has since 2025 gained an additional subject focus on Politics and Economics as well as two new partners from the EUPeace network from the Czech Republic and France. They are joining a network with partners in Portugal, Poland, Romania and Serbia. The aim of the new project phase is to create synergies between the two networks and to create sustainable ways for collaboration on mobility and teaching exchange while focusing on cross-sectional topics such as education for sustainable development or democracy education. 

More information: https://www.uni-marburg.de/en/zfl/projects/lima 

Since 2019, the JLU project IMPACCT (International Mobility with Partners Abroad for Culturally Competent Teachers) has been focusing on internationalisation in the field of Islamic/Catholic/Protestant Religious Education and Ethics in primary and secondary education. In cooperation with partner universities from Austria, Sweden, Switzerland, and Turkey, the main objective of the project has been to address the topic of interreligious dialogue in a didactical/pedagogical framework. Conversations about expanding the IMPACCT partner network with EUPeace partners are being held. The systematic connection to EUPeace allows the dovetailing of the thematic areas interreligious dialogue, peace, justice, and inclusion. The aim is for both projects to benefit from each other in terms of content and the co-development of innovative teaching and learning offers.  

More information: https://www.uni-giessen.de/de/internationales/lehramtinternational/impacct (available only in German)

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