14.03.2025 Latest from our Virtual European Exchange Programme (VEEP)

Our Alliance-wide Virtual European Exchange Programme (VEEP) allows Alliance university members to participate in an international online learning experience, aligning with the overall objectives of EUPeace. Utilising synergies throughout the Alliance, we have established a programme with a joint online and hybrid course catalogue, which will be greater than its individual parts. Our students will benefit from the opportunity to take part in shared subject-related courses across the Alliance: in short, it will become possible to remotely ‘visit’ the Alliance’s member universities.

VEEP is a continuous offering, which we will expand and align with EUPeace-related contents on a term-by-term or semester-by-semester basis. Tailored to the needs of all our students, it will provide a varied and flexible online course programme in the different Alliance languages (including English). Students can choose from a variety of different courses and course formats, receive a Transcript of Records with credit points (ECTS), and are exempt from any kind of tuition fee at the host university. 

Our virtual exchange programme provides students at EUPeace universities with an easily accessible supplement to physical mobility, thereby further promoting the Alliance’s values of inclusion and inclusivity. It therefore represents an array of low-threshold opportunities for international and intercultural exchange, open to all the students in the Alliance. It can also serve as an initial point of contact with the Alliance as a whole, leading to in-person mobility or else it can offer a form of virtual ‘follow-up’ to a period of physical mobility.

The programme will be continuously expanded and improved over the coming semesters.

Full details are available in our Mobility Portal

 So, dear students, stay tuned and do not miss this opportunity!


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