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  • David Maurer


The EUPeace Alliance aims at co-creating knowledge across different disciplines and research cultures, on topics concerning peace,
justice, and inclusive societies and the conditions that make them possible. For this, the Alliance supports the emergence of collaborative, Alliance-wide  Research Hubs that enrich and strengthen the European Research Area. The Research Hubs create synergies between the Alliance members and thereby foster research and research-based teaching in all subject areas of the Alliance. Furthermore, in order to ensure a high degree of diversity on all levels of the Research Hubs, the Alliance creates a doctoral network as well as an early-career network and involve relevant actors outside academia for bringing in specialist expertise for the research fields and doctoral projects.

Find out  more about the EUPeace Research Hubs as well as the diverse activities that shape the Alliance's research landscape, such as the EUPeace Fellowship Programme and Open Science Initiatives within the Alliance:

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