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EUPeace Doctoral Mobility Grant

The EUPeace University Alliance invites all interested doctoral candidates who are enrolled and/or employed at one of the EUPeace member institutions to apply for its Doctoral Mobility Grant 2025. The EUPeace Doctoral Mobility Grant provides mobility funding for doctoral candidates from all EUPeace Alliance member sites for completing an academic stay at another EUPeace Alliance member institution.
The European University for Peace, Justice, and Inclusive Societies, EUPeace, evolves out of nine core member universities that have committed their strategic international outlook in teaching, research and administration in higher education to foster a peaceful, just, and inclusive European landscape, at various levels. For this, we explicitly address all sciences and research fields, from the humanities and social sciences to the natural and life sciences as well as engineering.
Key Documents for the EUPeace Doctoral Mobility Grant:
General Information
Who can apply: The Mobility Grant is open to all doctoral candidates who are enrolled and/or employed at one of the EUPeace Alliance member sites.
Duration of the EUPeace Doctoral Mobility Grant: One, two or three months.
Purpose of the Mobility Grant: The mobilities are intended to advance joint and innovative forms of cooperation, explicitly considering the integration of academic findings in teaching activities within the Alliance.
Starting date: From June 2025 on until June 2026. For Doctoral Mobilities from July 2026 on, there will be a second Call for Applications 2026.
Universities from the EUPeace Alliance participating in the Doctoral Mobility Grant:
Germany: Marburg University (UMR), Justus Liebig University Giessen (JLU); France: University of Limoges (UNILIM); Italy: University of Calabria (UNICAL); Spain: Comillas Pontifical University (COMILLAS); Czechia: University of West Bohemia (UWB); Bosnia and Herzegovina: University of Mostar (SUM), University of Sarajevo (UNSA); Türkiye: Çukurova University (CU).
Financial Arrangements: The mobility funding is granted from Erasmus+ funds of the EUPeace University Alliance and subject to the allocation of funds by the EU to the EUPeace Work Package 6. The mobility grant will be paid either in the form of a lump sum or in the form of an individual coverage which means that travel costs, accommodation costs and daily allowances will be paid according to the local regulations of the grantee’s home university. For all universities and payment schemes (lump sum or individual coverage), additional funds are available for applicants with familial obligations or special mobility needs. Detailed information on the mobility funding can be found in the Call for Application 2025.
Important Documents: The Call for Applications 2025 entails many details on the EUPeace Doctoral Mobility Grant, such as the financial regulations for all universities as well as regulations that are specific to some universities. In addition, the EUPeace Doctoral Mobility Grant Framework is the legal basis for doing an EUPeace Doctoral Mobility and you should engage with it when considering to apply for the Grant.
Application deadline: 30.04.2025
Background information: Are you searching for the EUPeace Fellowship Programme? It was transformed into the EUPeace Doctoral Mobility Grant. For all post-doctoral researchers, further information on mobility possibilities can be found in the mobility portal.
In the following, you can find further information on:
- The organisation of the Doctoral Mobilities in the framework of the EUPeace Research Hubs
- Information on how to apply
- A detailed list of the Overall Selection Criteria
- A description of the Application and Selection Process
- A list of Contact Persons
The EUPeace Reseach Hubs
The Doctoral Mobility Grant is organised in the framework of the EUPeace Research Hubs. The endorsement of applications takes place directly within the Research Hubs. Four Research Hubs have been established within the EUPeace Alliance:
- Security and Conflict Transformation
- Climate Science and Just Transition
- Migration and Human Rights
- Inclusive Health and Well-Being
The Research Hubs mobilise existing academic strengths of the EUPeace Alliance and foster collaboration in all subject areas in order to create excellent inter- and transdisciplinary research and academic capacity for curriculum development and academic advancement in peace, justice, and inclusive societies. This also includes the natural sciences as well as engineering. The Research Hub members come from all Alliance member sites and from various research disciplines. The Research Hub‘s profiles and member lists can be accessed by clicking on the links to their respective websites.
The EUPeace Doctoral Mobility Grant serves to promote cooperation and mobility between the EUPeace Research Hubs and the doctoral network associated with the Hubs. Consequently, all successful applicants will directly become a member of the doctoral network. Given that the EUPeace doctoral network will only start in early summer 2025, further information will follow.
How to apply
To apply for a Doctoral Mobility Grant, you need to supply the below listed documents to (the coordinator of the EUPeace Work Package 6 team) on or before the application deadline. After the deadline, applications will be reviewed by the Research Hubs and decisions on funding will be communicated to the applicants within 4 weeks.
Application documents:
- CV
- Application Form
- Letter of Invitation
- Proof of Enrolment as Doctoral Candidate
All documents must be provided in English, except for the proof of enrolment. Please note that the Letter of Invitation must be signed by the applicant as well as the host/hosting institution.
Further documents that will inform your application: The Call for Application 2025 as well as the Framework for the EUPeace Doctoral Mobility Grant.
Overall Selection Criteria
- Motivation for applying for a Doctoral Mobility Grant within the framework of EUPeace and contribution to foster research and teaching in relation to peace, justice and inclusive societies
- Relevance of the mobility for the Alliance member institutions’ long-term cooperation
- Relevance of the mobility for the Research Hub
- The Grantee‘s academic innovation potential and/or contribution to the advancement of pressing societal topics within the Alliance
- Academic and/or societal outreach included in the mobility
- Contribution of the mobility to innovative teaching
- Personal, structural or academic circumstances which foster the Grantee‘s contribution to diversity in the field (e.g. countering personal barriers in the research trajectory, countering structural discrimination/underrepresentation within the field, contributing academically to an under-represented topic)
Application and Selection Process
- Applicants actively seek a possible hosting person/institution within a Research Hub. This can be done via the Research Hubs‘ websites. Applicants contact a possible host and share their ideas for the mobility. If the Research Hub member is interested in hosting the applicant, the subject and purpose of the mobility (as stated in the Application Form) can be co-determined. Also the timeline of the mobility can be determined together by the applicant and the host. Please, be aware that for some universities, you might need 3 to 6 preparatory months before starting a mobility (e.g. if you need a visa or if access to specific facilities is required). Finally, both parties have to sign the Letter of Invitation that the applicant will submit together with the other application documents.
- The EUPeace Work Package 6 team clusters the applications for the Research Hubs.
- The Research Hubs select which applications will be endorsed on the basis of the selection criteria listed above.
- The EUPeace Work Package 6 team will get in contact with the selected grantees and the hosts and proceed with ensuring the payment of the grant, in accordance with local regulations.
Contact persons
For further questions, please please refer to the Call for Applications or contact your local Coordinator for the EUPeace Doctoral Mobility Grant:
Home University/Sending Institution | Contact |
Marburg University (UMR) | Miriam Tekath |
Justus Liebig University Giessen (JLU) | Karolina Golicz |
University of Limoges (UNILIM) | Alice Brites Osorio |
University of Calabria (UNICAL) | Lorena Pochini |
Comillas Pontifical University (COMILLAS) | Marta Molina Urosa |
University of West Bohemia (UWB) | Petra Sebastian |
University of Mostar (SUM) | Jelena Jurić |
Çukurova University (CU) | Ilke Sanlier |
University of Sarajevo (UNSA) | Ehlimana Spahić |