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Research Hub 'Migration and Human Rights'

Goals of the Research Hub

The Research Hub Migration and Human Rights The Migration Hub will explore the dynamics of diaspora and the intersection of migration with climate change, history, conflict, and economic inequality. All research activities and policy rec-ommendations will be grounded in a human rights-based perspective, aligning with the core values of EUPeace. This research hub will adopt a multidisciplinary approach, leveraging expertise from fields such as law, social, cultural, and political science, history, economics, health and environmental studies. It will prioritize the development of innovative policies and strategies that promote inclusive societies by protecting the rights of all individuals involved in migration processes, including transit, reception, and all stages of integration. Special attention will be given to emerging trends in migration, such as digital mobility and the impact of global crises on human movement. Collaboration with external actors such as NGOs, governmental agencies, and international or-ganizations will be integral, providing real-world insights and fostering dialogue between academia and society. The hub will also serve as a platform for early-career researchers, offering networking, training, and mentorship to develop the next generation of experts in migration studies. Current public perception and discourses on migration do not necessarily reflect this reality and tend to unilaterally emphasise security concerns and fears of economic strain. Against this background, the specific aims of the research hub are as follows: revisiting the history of migration within, from, and to Europe until to date, to assess the impact on societies, with particular focus on migration processes between the countries and regions represented in the EUPeace consortium, to examine international and national legal frameworks governing different types of migration and displacement, to formulate evidence-based policy recommendations
that address migration-related issues such as education, economy, rights, security, etc while promoting inclusive societies and re-specting human rights, to foster interdisciplinary collaboration among academics, NGOs, poli-cymakers, and international organizations to bridge the gap between research and practice in migration policy and to create opportunities for students and early career researchers, to engage in migration related resesearch training and collaboration with peers and academic partners within the EU-Peace alliance.

The Research Hub’s Activities

  • Organize regular (blended/hybrid) interdisciplinary seminars, e.g. a research seminar on migration and human rights
  • Host the Research Impact Conference 
  • Contribute to the implementation of the EUPeace Fellowship programme together with other Research Hubs
  • Contribute to the establishment of an Early Career Network and EUPeace Doctoral Network together with other Research Hubs
  • Develop Joint Training and Education Programs as well as organize workshops to identify and support
    innovative research-based teaching methods flowing back into teaching
  • Organize public seminars, lectures, and events to engage society in discussions about migration, promoting a broader understanding and support for inclusive societies
  • Support the creation of Creative Spaces – transdisciplinary think tanks for the development of innovative and creative ideas for the future and for the exchange between scientific disciplines
  • Foster Research Collaboration and Joint Papers
  • Develop Policy Recommendations and Advocacy

Current Activities

The Research Hub warmly invites to its upcoming Research Seminar Session on Thursday 27 March 2025 from 10am to 2pm (CET).

 Speakers of the Hub

The Speaker of this hub is Cecilia Estrada Villaseñor ()from the University of Comillas; Substitute Speaker is İlke Şanlıer () from Çukurova University.

Members of the Hub

The members of the Research Hub come from all alliance partners and from various research disciplines. The Research Hub members combine their scholarly strength in order to organize the above-mentioned activities. The activities themselves are however open to members of the entire EUPeace Alliance, especially members of the EUPeace Early Career and Doctoral Networks, as well as to the wider public.

The Research Hub welcomes additional members from the alliance partners. Every researcher who is interested in joining the Hub can request membership by sending a CV to the Research Hub speakers, Cecilia Estrada Villaseñor and . The Research Hub will then decide on the membership request.

The current members of the Research Hub are:

University Research Hub Member Research Focus
Marburg (UMR) Tijana Karić Intergroup threat; Social identities; Intergroup conflict
Benedikt Stuchtey Colonial and imperial history; history of the British Empire; history of family and childhood
Marcell Saß Religion in the global digital age; Religion, power and memorial cultures; Intercultural and interreligious teaching and learning 
Antje Röder Social and cultural integration; religion and migration; methods of migration research
Darius Zifonun The everyday life of human rights; urban studies, negotiations of memberships
Giessen (JLU) Michael Knipper
Greta Olson  Migration Studies; Law; Critical Media Studies
Simona Adinolfi Migration Studies; Narratology; Digital Media Studies
Nicole Immig
Limoges (UNILIM) Valeria De-Luca Social and aesthetic practices; dance/performance; gestures/body language
Said Ouaked U.S. politics; U.S. Institutions; Migration to the U.S.
Albrecht Burkardt History of the Roman Inquisition; History of travel; Early modern cultural history
Cecile Bertin
Calabria (UNICAL) Anna Elia
Vincenza Calabro
Walter Greco
Claudio Di Maio Citizenship; EU digital policy; Etnic business; Fundamental rights
Mario Coscarello
Comillas (COMILLAS) Cecilia Estrada Villaseñor
Adam Dubin Edelstein
Yoan Molinero Gerbeau Agricultural work; Temporary Migration; Environmental Migration
Nuria Ferre Trad Refugee law; Human Rights law; EU asylum and migration law
Víctor Pérez Segura
Joao Nuñez
Pilsen (UWB) Europeanization; Migration politics; EU internal security
Alena Pařízková Migration studies; Social work; Social inequalities
Mostar (SUM) tba
Çukurova (CU) İlke Şanlıer Digital migration; Mediated narratives; Visual methodologies
Aslı Ilgıt Politics of migration; Identity/Emotions; Critical security studies
A. Aslı Bilgin
Sedat Uçar School Bullying; Educational Acts; Migration
Adnan Gümüş
Koray Tuan
Sarajevo (UNSA) Damir Banović Interdisciplinary legal theory; Critical legal theory; Fundamental rights; Social identities
Damir Kapidžić comparative politics; societal diversity; democratic innovations
Harun Išerić Environmental Justice; Comparative Administrative Law; Human Rights 
Samir Forić Law and society; Deviance and social control; Social integration
Adnan Efendić Institutions; Migration; Conflict studies

Cooperation Partners

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