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Research Hub ‘Security and Conflict Transformation’

Goals of the Research Hub

The Research Hub Security and Conflict Transformation combines the strengths of the partners in the Alliance in order to strengthen research in the interdisciplinary field of peace, conflict and security studies. The aim is to develop an integrative research approach that relates to all stages of the conflict cycle and extends from conflict prevention and structural security to the escalation of conflicts and policies of intervention, post-conflict conflict transformation and dealing with past human rights abuses. It is based on an understanding of peace and security that goes beyond the absence of violence and recognises justice and inclusivity as central conditions for the sustainable, non-violent resolution of conflicts. An important goal is to support the career development of early career researchers in the field of peace, conflict and security research and to develop and offer joint training programmes in an interdisciplinary research context. Special emphasis is placed on innovative methods and research designs. Together with relevant associated partners from the field of conflict transformation and conflict analysis, dialogues are organised with decision-makers and the wider European public. The research impact conferences also serve this purpose. In all these fields, the Research Hub aims to gain a better understanding of the current conflict dynamics with which Europe is confronted. This includes questions on international law as well as embedding current conflicts in the historical context of Europe's development after the end of the Second World War and, of course, analysing current and future security challenges.

The Research Hub's Activities

    • Organise regular (blended/hybrid) interdisciplinary seminars, e.g. a research seminar on security and conflict transformation each semester 
    • Host the Research Impact Conference 2024: ‘Historicities of Security and Peace’ in Marburg from October 9-11
    • Contribute to the implementation of the EUPeace Fellowship programme together with other Research Hubs
    • Contribute to the establishment of an Early Career Network and EUPeace Doctoral Network together with other Research Hubs
    • Organise workshops to identify and support innovative research-based teaching methods flowing back into teaching
    • Support the creation of Creative Spaces – transdisciplinary think tanks for the development of innovative and creative ideas for the future and for the exchange between scientific disciplines

Current Activities

The Research Hub warmly invites to its upcoming Research Seminar on Wednesday 26 March 2025 from 4 to 6pm (CET).

Speakers of the Hub

The Speaker of this hub is Mario López Areu () from the University of Comillas, Spain; Substitute Speaker is Manuela Stranges () from the University of Calabria, Italy.

Members of the Hub

The members of the Research Hub come from all alliance partners and from various research disciplines. The Research Hub members combine their scholarly strength in order to organize the above-mentioned activities. The activities themselves are however open to members of the entire EUPeace Alliance, especially members of the EUPeace Early Career and Doctoral Networks, as well as to the wider public.

The Research Hub welcomes additional members from the alliance partners. Every researcher who is interested in joining the Hub can request membership by sending a CV to the Research Hub speakers, and . The Research Hub will then decide on the membership request.

The current members of the Research Hub are:

University Research Hub Member Research Focus
Marburg (UMR) Thorsten Bonacker International Statebuilding; Transitional Justice; Postconflict Peacebuilding
Stefanie Bock Criminal Justice; Transitional Justice; International and National Prosecution of International Crimes
Ivo Züchner
Felix Anderl Environmental conflicts; International Relations; Protest
Giessen (JLU) Peter Haslinger
Rosario Figari Layus
Stefan Peters Transitional Justice; Memory Studies; Peacebuilding 
Nicole Immig
Andrea Gawrich
Limoges (UNILIM) Pascal Plas Contemporary conflicts; Transitional justice; Reconciliation processes and conflicts of memory
Calabria (UNICAL) Carmelo Buscema World-system; Cooperation; Resistance
Giorgio Giraudi
Manuela Stranges
Claudio Di Turi General international law; International economic, social and cultural rights; The use of force
Domenico De Giovanni
Comillas (COMILLAS) Jose Luis Rey Pérez Right to Peace; Democracy and Conflict; Rule of Law
Irene Claro Quintans Refugee and immigration law; Migrant minors
Adam David Dubin Human rights; Socio-economic and civil and political rights;
Women, LGBTQIA+, Africa
Mario López Areu Theories of power; Non-violence; South Asia
Daniela Ileana Serban Security-development nexus; EU policies; Global governance
Pilsen (UWB) Petr Jurek
Miroslav Plundrich Non-state armed actors; Security studies; U.S. in World Affairs
Zdenek Rod Security Studies and Conflict Resolution; International Relations; China in international politics
Mostar (SUM) Ema Vrdoljak Violent right wing extremism; Counter-terrorism and human rights; The media and security sector
Çukurova (CU) Aslı Ilgıt Critical security studies; Emotions; Migration
Harun Arıkan EU-Turkey Relations; Turkish Foreign Policy; Eastern Mediterranean Security
Sarajevo (UNSA) Fatima Mahmutović  Peace studies (peacebuilding, peace education, theories of peace); Conflict studies (roots of conflict, contemporary conflicts); Security studies (traditional and contemporary security studies, theory of securitization, gender and security)
Sarina Bakić Sociology of culture; Politics and aesthetics; Intercultural dialogue; Cultural Diplomacy
Melina Sadiković Cultural Memory; Cultural History; Postwar and (Post-)Communist Societies; Peace Education; Representation
Selma Ćosić Security and Peace studies; Gender studies (Gender equality in the Security system, Gender, Peace and Security); Democratic supervision and the control of the Security system
Enita Čustović Nonviolent communication; Assertive communication; Media and information literacy (disinformation, sources of information); Rhetoric and speech culture (dialogue culture and conflict resolution); Political communication and crisis communication

Cooperation Partners

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