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Doctoral Candidates

The mobility of doctoral candidates within EUPeace is organised in relation to the Alliance’s Research Hubs. Alliance-wide mobility will be fostered by the following activities:

  • EUPeace Fellowships: In order to implement and develop the sustainability and capacity-building of the Research Hubs, the Alliance will initiate EUPeace Fellowships. The fellowships serve to promote cooperation and mobility, and to stimulate bids for funding by the Research Hubs. The EUPeace Fellows will be funded by scholarships and will be mobile from their home institution to another member institution. Consistent with the values of EUPeace, recruitment will be based on transparent and inclusive access criteria, emphasising the benefit of diversity for innovative research.
  • EUPeace Doctoral Network: The establishment of an EUPeace Doctoral Network within the framework of the Research Hubs will support doctoral candidates. A EUPeace PhD initiative is being established to provide support to early career scholars.
    The initiative consists of two pillars:
    (1) A network of the existing graduate schools in the Alliance opens existing courses and events to all doctoral candidates of the Alliance;
    (2) The establishment of a EUPeace-specific Doctoral Network provides for structured joint doctoral training of a fixed group in the Alliance. Within the EUPeace Doctoral Network, doctoral candidates are supervised bi- or multi-nationally and conduct their doctorate within the framework of co-tutelle procedures. The doctoral candidates come together for regular colloquia/symposia where they discuss the progress of their projects.
  • Interdisciplinary Seminars and Research Impact Conferences: The Research Hubs engage in diverse activities for exchanging expertise, fostering collaboration and creating excellent inter- and transdisciplinary research in the field of peace, justice and inclusive societies. The Research Hubs’ regular mobile (blended/hybrid) interdisciplinary seminars as well as the yearly Research Impact Conferences are among the most important activities in this regard and open for all doctoral candidates.

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