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Participating in a staff mobility is a crucial way to enhance your university's internationalisation goals as well as your personal professional objectives. If you work for one of the nine EUPeace partner universities, you are a part of EUPeace and have many opportunities to participate in a mobility suited to your unique interests and needs. 

With Erasmus+ training opportunities are available to staff working in education, both in teaching and non-teaching capacities.

Erasmus+ Key Action 1 – Learning Mobility of Individuals provides opportunities for higher education academic and nonacademic staff to engage in professional development activities abroad. It also allows professionals from various fields to teach and train students or staff at higher education institutions. These opportunities can include teaching assignments or training experience, such as job shadowing, observation periods, or participation in training courses.

To ensure high-quality mobility activities with maximum impact, the mobility activity must be related to the staff’s profession and address their learning and personal development needs.

Staff teaching mobility in EUPeace

A teaching mobility abroad takes place at a partner higher education institution. The teaching period abroad enables any teaching staff member at a higher education institution or staff from enterprises to teach at a partner institution abroad. Staff mobility for teaching can occur in any study field. A teaching mobility lasts from 2 days to 2 months (programme countries) or a minimum of 5 days (partner countries) and the teacher commits to a minimum of 8 teaching hours per week. The staff member must be selected in advance within a selection process at their home institution.

Staff training mobility in EUPeace

A training mobility abroad takes place at a partner higher education institution. The training period abroad enables any staff at a higher education institution to take part in a training activity abroad that is relevant to their day-to-day work at the esteemed institution. This may include training events or job shadowing. The training mobility lasts from 2 days to 2 months (programme countries) or a minimum of 5 days (partner countries). The staff member must be selected in advance within a selection process at their home institution.

A period abroad may combine both teaching and training activities.

For either Staff Training or Staff Teaching, it is recommended to use Erasmus+ funds from the participant’s home institution. Travel and accommodation costs can be covered through Erasmus+ KA131 or KA171 funds. The University of Mostar and the University of Sarajevo use International Credit Mobility (KA 171) while other  universities use Erasmus+ KA131 funding.

If you are interested in Staff Training or Staff Teaching, please contact the International Relations Office at your home institution.

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