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Staff Teaching

A Comillas University building lined by several trees and a fence with an open gate in the front.
Photo: Comillas Marketing Team

Erasmus+ Mobility for Teaching offers opportunities for higher education teaching staff to spend time teaching at partner alliance institutions. Each stay must include a minimum of 8 hours of teaching per week or the entire duration if shorter, and it can take place in any field or academic discipline.

Please note that participating in conferences is not permitted during a teaching placement. Alternatively, you can apply for Erasmus+ Mobility for Training, which offers different opportunities for professional development abroad.

Get to know your colleagues across the EUPeace alliance—design or co-teach a course together. Teaching abroad allows you to gain a broader perspective on education, exchange knowledge with colleagues in another country, and adopt best educational practices.

If you are interested in Staff Teaching, please apply through your home university. To find your contact person, please click on the name of your university further below.

Financial Support Erasmus+ 

The financial support consists of two parts—one to support travel costs and the other for accommodation. The means are calculated in the maximum expected amount. In case of exceeding, it might be necessary to secure additional funding at the relevant institute/workplace.

In the case of virtual mobility, there is no entitlement to financial support.

The European Commission's distance calculator allows you to estimate your travel cost funding or you may check the table below for your exact distance.

Travel Distance Travel Cost support
100-499 km 180 EUR per participant
500-1999 km 275 EUR per participant
2000-2999 km 360 EUR per participant
3000-3999 km 530 EUR per participant
4000-7999 km 8200 EUR per participant
over 8000 km 1100 EUR per participant
  • Distance between the EUPeace members

    UM - - 778 1401 1505 348 1071 2601 1058
    JLU - - 756 1382 1482 348 1058 2596 1047
    UNILIM 778 756 - 1400 728 993 1322 2963 1350
    UNICAL 1401 1382 1400 - 1698 1179 473 1690 535
    COMILLAS 1505 1482 728 1698 - 1689 1805 3380 1855
    UWB 348 348 993 1179 1689 - 784 2257 758
    SUM 1071 1058 1322 473 1805 784 - 1642 -
    CU 2601 2596 2963 1690 3380 2257 1642 - 1620
    UnSA 1058 1047 1350 535 1855 758 - 1620 -

Individual Support

The amount of individual support a staff mobility receives is decided by the partners' national agency. The European Commission provides the following framework within which the support amounts must be rated.

Receiving Country Staff from EU Member States and third 
countries assoc. to the Programme
Staff from third countries not 
assoc. to the Programme
Min-Max (per day)  Amount (per day) 
France, Germany,  Italy 96-190 190
 Spain, Czechia 84-170 170
Türkiye 71-148 148
Bosnia Herzegovina 190 Not eligible

Staff Teaching in the EUPeace alliance

Click on your home university for more information:

Cooperation Partners

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