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International Staff Weeks

What is a Staff Week?

An International Staff Week (ISW) is an event hosted by a higher education institution which includes seminars, workshops, presentations, and active involvement of domestic experts and international partners. ISWs aim to connect representatives from higher education institutions to strengthen international collaboration.

An ISW is an opportunity to present and connect higher education institution representatives (both academic and nonacademic staff) in order to strengthen international cooperation.

What is the aim of the Staff Week? 

The main purpose of an ISW is to bring together colleagues from EU member countries and non-EU countries to discuss and share best practices related to internationalisation in higher education and the Erasmus+ programme.

ISWs are mainly intended for colleagues from Erasmus+ partner institutions working with the international community. This includes International Office staff, coordinators at the faculty/departmental levels, academics working with the international community or simply all those who want to learn about international practices.

The main objectives of a Staff Week are to:

  • exchange best practices of international activities among colleagues working in internationalisation
  • discuss mobility management methods with a focus on keystones of a new period of the Erasmus+ programme, such as inclusion, sustainability, and Blended Intensive Programme (BIP)
  • identify successful marketing strategies to increase student and staff mobility activities

How can I apply?

To apply, interested participants should contact their home institution’s International Relations Office and apply for Erasmus+ Staff training mobility.

It is recommended to use Erasmus+ funds (KA131 or KA171) to cover travel and accommodation costs, in line with the receiving country’s location. 

For more information on upcoming ISW events within the EUPeace alliance, please see the offers below.

If you are interested in taking part in a staff week and need more funding information, visit our staff training site.

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