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Marburg at a Glance

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Photo: Reinhold Eckstein

Outstanding Feature

Students everywhere! Students make up ¼ of Marburg’s citizens. When the sun is out, Marburg students love gathering by the river Lahn.

Restaurants & Bars

Potatoes or noodles—you cannot go wrong trying a German Auflauf  at Café Paprica, Café Barfuß, or Market in Marburg's hisorical part of town, the Oberstadt. If you'd rather skip the stairs, an elevator will take you from "downtown" to "uptown."

If you're thirsty, Marburg has great options: Sudhaus, Bierwerk, Ufercafé during the summer time.


There's no shortage of culturally engaging activities in Marburg. Two that stand out are:

Cultural sights

The Landgrafenschloss, Marburg's famous castle on a hill is a must-see, but not the only worthwhile cultural gem:

  • Lutherische Pfarrkirche
  • Elisabethkirche
  • Old town with timber-framed houses (Oberstadt
  • Town hall
Hangout spot  Lie down on some sunny, grassy spot on the Lahnwiesen right by the river Lahn, Afföllerwiesen, or in the old botanical garden by the university library.
Opportunities to meet people Meet people and get your body moving at soccer matches in the summer time: “Bunte Liga” on Afföllerwiesen. The  Marburg International Club also plans numerous activities  throughout the year!
Events The Parkdeckparty (typically in June) is a Marburg staple. You also shouldn't miss the many theater and concert performances on the castle grounds.
Nature Spot


Good to Know...

Job Opportunities

Learn more about working as a student on our website.

Pharmacy/Health Services

Pharmacies can be found throughout the city. 
Call 112 in medical emergencies
Call 110 for the Police
Call 116117 for medical assistance in non-emergent situations 


Marburg offers lots of shopping opportunities. Visit Penny, Lidl, Aldi for more affordable prices or Tegut, Edeka, Rewe for a wider selection and slighlty pricier goods.


Among the numerous accommodation choices in Marburg are: 


City buses take you anywhere in and around Marburg. You can look up the routes in the RMV app.

From Marburg central station “Hauptbahnhof” or „Südbahnhof”, you can easily take the train to Frankfurt or other cities in Hesse.

Important National Days

Apart from the traditional Easter, Christmas, New Year's holidays, Germany celebrates:

  • Carnival (Fasching) in February/March
  • Day of Work (May 1st)
  • German Unity Day (October 3rd)

Most Germans are pretty punctual—try not to be later than ten minutes! Germans are also known for their very direct communication, which might come across as blunt, but is typically rooted in genuine friendliness and honesty.

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